There are government programs and resources available to help you with getting a new job no matter what your circumstances are. This page contains information about the agencies that can help connect you with new opportunities, manage your finances and any additional help that may be available in your area.


Workforce Australia

Acting quickly to find a new job is important. You may need to update your résumé to include all your skills and to highlight any transferable skills you have that would be of value to new employers.

Many jobs are not advertised formally and you may hear about these by word-of-mouth, personal contacts, social media pages and employment agencies and labour hire providers.

The Australian Government’s Workforce Australia employment service can help jobseekers to find work. Workforce Australia is very accessible to most workers as it delivered by a network of providers across Australia.

Workforce Australia providers have the flexibility to tailor their services to your assessed needs. They can help you with:

  • finding a job
  • help to start a business
  • relevant training and support
  • identifying your skills and attributes
  • writing job applications
  • interview tips and techniques.

From 1 July 2019, retrenched workers and their partners will have immediate access to tailored employment services. Retrenched workers and their partners will be able to access Workforce Australia services before becoming eligible for income support.

If you would like to know more, including the details of your local providers, visit the Workforce Australia website or call the Employment Services Information Line on 13 62 68.

Services Australia


Centrelink can assist you with financial information about a range of services. These are explained in detail below.

Income support options:

If you receive a payout as a result of your position being made redundant, you may be subject to an Income Maintenance Period that will affect how quickly you can start receiving certain payments and allowances.

Effect of redundancy payment on receiving income support:

If you receive a payout as a result of your position being made redundant, you may be subject to an Income Maintenance Period that will affect how quickly you can start receiving certain payments and allowances. Depending on the amount of money you have to support yourself there may be a waiting period.

Family Tax Benefit

You may need to adjust your Family Tax Benefit estimate or Child Support information. Your entitlement to Family Tax Benefit may change as a result of your redundancy.

Low Income Health Care Card

If you become unemployed you may be eligible for a Low Income Health Care Card.

Rent Assistance

You may be able to receive Rent Assistance through Centrelink. To receive Rent Assistance, you must also meet the residence requirements of your pension, allowance or benefit.

Special Child Care Benefit

The Special Child Care Benefit provides extra assistance with your child care fees. It can be granted to families experiencing hardship, including loss of employment. For more information go to the My Child website.

To find out what Centrelink benefits you may be eligible for, please use the Centrelink Payment Finder.

More information can be found on the Services Australia website or by calling 13 28 50.

Help with Finances

It is important to get your finances in order quickly to make sure you have enough money to last until you find another job.


Creating a budget will help you plan for your new financial situation. It will also help you work out how long your redundancy payment will last. A budget should include your bills, such as loans, insurance and school-fees, as well as the money you need to live day to day (buying groceries and petrol, for example). Remember to make other arrangements for any direct debits that you have currently tied to the account your salary/ wages were deposited into.

These resources may be able to help you with financial advice and help:

  • MoneySmart is a government website with tips and tools to help make the most of your finances, including a DIY budget toolkit, how to manage your money, or deal with credit or debt. Visit the Smart Money website.
  • Centrelink’s Financial Information Service run free seminars about financial matters. Visit the Services Australia website.
  • Financial Counselling Australia can link you to free financial counsellors in your area. Visit the Financial Counselling Australia website.
  • NAB Budget Planner - to help you control your monthly income and expenses.
  • Pocketbook – a personal finance app for your smart phone.
  • The Australian Taxation Office can provide advice on taxation of redundancy payments.

Getting Financial Advice

If you think that you may be in immediate financial difficulty, you should seek financial counselling.

Financial counsellors provide information and support to assist people in financial difficulty. There are free financial counselling services in every State and Territory in Australia.

Financial Counselling Australia can link you to financial counsellors in your area.

You can also use the Money Smart (ASIC) online search engine for local financial counselling services and Centrelink also provides a free Financial Information Service (call 13 23 00 and say "Financial Information Service").

State-based assistance

There is a range of support available to help people who have lost their job, and many of these initiatives are place-based.

For specific information about services available in your area, click the link to your state:

Fair Work Ombudsman

The Fair Work Ombudsman is an independent statutory office that promotes cooperative workplaces and ensures compliance with Australian workplace laws. The Ombudsman provides many free services to workers and employers in Australia. For more information about your rights and obligations, visit the Fair Work Ombudsman website.

You should also be aware that the Australian Government provides financial assistance to cover certain unpaid employment entitlements to eligible employees who lose their job due to the liquidation or bankruptcy of their employer. For more information visit the Fair Entitlements Guarantee page.