There are many opportunities in the jobs market, but you may have to think about working in a different industry or job to what you are used to. Online self-help resources such as Your Career can help you identify where the jobs are and what you need to do to get them. This page also contains support for people who are over 45 and looking for a job.  


Choosing an occupation

Your Career

If you want to learn more about how your skills and work experience can prepare you for a career change, the Your Career website can help. With information about free TAFE, the top hiring occupations in Australia right now, and VET study options, Your Career can help you to find a career that's right for you, and what you can do to get there.

For more information on identifying, updating and transferring your skills, go to the Get some training section of this website.

Formal recognition of skills

Even if you have never formally studied or trained in a particular area, you may have gained knowledge and skills through your work, volunteering (including activities in the community) and life experience.

Your existing skills and knowledge may be formally recognised and count toward a qualification. This is called Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). RPL assessments can reduce the amount of study you have to do for a qualification and may even award you a qualification in full.

For information about how to get assessed for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) go to the Your Career Frequently Asked Questions page.

Relocating for work

Go to where the jobs are

When deciding on your next career move, you may have to consider moving for the right job.

Expanding your job search beyond your current location may increase the number of job opportunities, but there are some important factors to consider to make sure moving is the right decision for you.

The Australian Government Job Jumpstart website lists some important questions for you to consider and has useful tips and tools to help you to make the most of your potential move.

Support for over 45s

Career Transition Assistance

Career Transition Assistance (CTA) is a voluntary pre-employment program supporting people 45 years and over to build their skills and confidence to re-enter the workforce or change career. With the help of a dedicated Provider, CTA provides practical support to build functional digital literacy, identify existing and transferrable skills, tailor resumes, and identify opportunities in the local labour market. Courses run for a minimum of 75 hours over 3 to 8 weeks. People aged 45 years and over, with a MyGov account are eligible to participate in CTA.

CTA is delivered by 22 Providers across all 51 employment regions and available nationally. More information can be found at the link above or on the CTA factsheet.

Mature Age Hub

Mature age workers have a valuable contribution to make to the Australian workforce. The Mature Age Hub provides information, tools and supports for businesses interested in employing mature age people, and for mature age people looking to find a job or upskill.