
State-based assistance

There is a range of employment support available in your local area.

For specific information about services available, click the link to your state:

Employment Facilitators

Employment Facilitators are on the ground in 51 regions across Australia and can help you connect with job opportunities, training and other existing services.

Employment Facilitators support the delivery of the Local Jobs Program. The program brings together expertise, resources and access to funding at the local level to focus on reskilling, upskilling and employment pathways for people in each region.

For more information visit the Employment Facilitators website or contact an Employment Facilitator in your area to find out how they can help you.

State Government retrenched worker assistance

New South Wales

The NSW Government offers retrenched workers with training assistance.

More information available at Training Services NSW.


The Victorian Government also offers support to assist retrenched workers back into work or education:

Skills and Jobs Centres

Based in TAFEs across Victoria, Skills and Jobs Centres offer free career, employment and training support services.

To find your nearest centre, visit Skills and Jobs Centres.


Queensland Skills Gateway

Visit Queensland Skills Gateway to find a training course, training provider, occupation information and check what training is government subsidised.

South Australia

Skills SA

The South Australian Government provides career and training information to build your skills and invest in your future at Skills SA.

Western Australia

Jobs and Skills Centres

Western Australia's TAFE Jobs and Skills Centres are one-stop shops for careers, training and employment advice and assistance. Services are free, and accessible to all members of the community. The centres are located on TAFE campuses, with additional outreach locations for regional areas.


Rapid Response Skills Initiative

The Tasmanian Government provides financial support for training to people who have lost their jobs because they have been made redundant, the place they worked has closed or had to let staff go.

More information available at Jobs Tasmania.

Northern Territory

Workforce Territory

The Northern Territory Government is committed to growing a skilled and capable workforce for the future.

More information available at Support for workers.